Sunday, April 7, 2013

It's Almost Here!

National Post Card Week 2013 begins Sunday, May 5 and lasts the entire week
How about stamping a card and printing up a few dozen copies?

My design is cooling off before I whisk it off to the printer.
I'll give you a sneak peek or two...

Here's the cancellation mark that I created for this year.
You're welcome to use it, too.

To get involved, create a post card!  Most are 6" x 4", but the dimensions are up to you.
As for theme?  Any theme or no theme.  Collectors like to have your name displayed on the front of the postcard, along with the name of the event we're all celebrating.  You can abbreviate to "NPCW", if you wish.

Be sure you use non-copyrighted images for your design.  Photos are o.k. only if you are the copyright holder.  If you're a stamper, stamp something.  Send a copy to Rubber Stamp Madness magazine.*
Splurge a little and have your design printed professionally.  I use Uprinting, but there are many options, including your local Mom-and-Pop shop in the nearest town.

Finally--and this is most important--SEND your postcards to friends, family, and complete strangers between May 5 and May 11 so that the postal cancellation date falls within National Post Card Week.
To get your name included on a list of fellow postcard designers and collectors, send an email to Demaris**.  She'll send you a distribution list.  Mail a pc to everyone on the list, then sit back and wait for the postcard storm to hit your mailbox.

*Rubber Stamp Madness Magazine:  PO Box 610, Corvallis, OR  97339-0610
**Demaris (keeper of the lists):
Here's another peek for you.
See you in the mail?
Search on "NPCW" to find older posts on this subject.


  1. Love your "sneek peek", can't wait to see the whole image :) I love NPCW!!!

  2. Thanks so much for your clever cancellation mark.
    I got into post carding by accident in 1991.
    I sent one of my art post cards to
    Rubber Stamp Magazine with a request.
    They published my card with other cards for
    National Post Card Week.
    I have been involved ever since.
    "Grate Wishes" from "The Manhole Artist"
    Bobbi Mastrangelo

  3. Thanks for the cancellation mark to use for NPCW. I can't wait to see all the cards again this year! I have loved postcards since I was a child. My father was a charter bus driver, and would send me cards from all the interesting places he went. Happy National Post Card Week! Jane_PA

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